Bicycle Accidents

Vision Zero Sees Progress

By |October 30th, 2019|Auto Accidents, Bicycle Accidents, Colorado Driving, Safe Driving Tips|

Vision Zero.  It’s a cool name for a radical goal: to reduce traffic fatalities and serious injuries for all drivers, bicyclists, and pedestrians to zero. The concept began in Sweden in the 1990s, has proven successful across Europe, and was adopted by Denver Mayor Michael Hancock in 2016.  Vision Zero goes beyond the traditional, piecemeal [...]

E-scooters: Here to Stay?

By |March 1st, 2019|Auto Accidents, Bicycle Accidents, Personal Injury|

If you’ve been to downtown Denver lately, there’s a good chance you’ve seen an e-scooter.  Maybe you’ve even rented one for a quick, cheap trip across town.  Zipping past gridlock for pennies per mile, while leaving a zero-carbon footprint?  What a great idea!  That’s fast, efficient, good-for-the-planet transportation! But wait.  Where do you park that [...]

Bicycling in Colorado: Share the Road!

By |December 19th, 2018|Bicycle Accidents|

If you live in Colorado, you’ve seen them-- the spandex-clad champions of mountain highways, pedaling past stalled traffic on Interstate 40, the intrepid e-bicyclists of Denver, or the suburban riders coasting past with ding of a bell or an insistent “On your left!” Bikers.  “Cyclists,” if you prefer.  If you are one, we salute you.  [...]