
Colorado Pandemic Response – August Update

By |August 6th, 2020|Coronavirus|

The Coronavirus landscape continues to present daily changes and challenges.  Here is the five-second version of Colorado rules and guidelines, current as of August 4, 2020: Wear a face covering (nose and mouth) in public spaces. Stay at home as much as possible. Connect with friends and family virtually. Be diligent about hand washing. Avoid [...]

Home of the Brave

By |June 1st, 2020|Coronavirus|

It’s been almost three months since Coronavirus upended our lives.  Shuttered businesses.  Widespread illness.  Masks in public.  Stay-at-Home orders.  Arrests, violence, and worse.  In this short time, we’ve come to inhabit a surreal reality that feels like Outbreak meets the Great Depression. We’re all experiencing some forceful emotions, too.  Shock.  Powerlessness.  Anger.  Fear. Uncertainty has [...]

Coronavirus: Latest Guidelines

By |April 7th, 2020|Coronavirus|

Good News for Colorado On the evening of April 6, 2020, Governor Polis, while wearing a cloth facemask printed with a Colorado logo, extended Colorado’s Stay-at-Home order until April 26.  He also shared some welcome news: social distancing measures are working.  The rate of new COVID-19 infections in Colorado has decreased markedly, from doubling every [...]