Safe Driving Tips

Avoid These Common Holiday Injuries

By |December 13th, 2019|Auto Accidents, Catastrophic Injury, Personal Injury, Safe Driving Tips, Slip and Fall Accidents|

Between decorating, shopping, school performances and parties, things can get pretty crazy in December.  Here are some tips to help you avoid the most common holiday injuries. 1: Decorate safely. The most common holiday injuries involve falls from roofs and ladders.  Make sure someone is available to help you if you fall.  Keep children on [...]

Vision Zero Sees Progress

By |October 30th, 2019|Auto Accidents, Bicycle Accidents, Colorado Driving, Safe Driving Tips|

Vision Zero.  It’s a cool name for a radical goal: to reduce traffic fatalities and serious injuries for all drivers, bicyclists, and pedestrians to zero. The concept began in Sweden in the 1990s, has proven successful across Europe, and was adopted by Denver Mayor Michael Hancock in 2016.  Vision Zero goes beyond the traditional, piecemeal [...]

Hydration Equals Safety

By |August 13th, 2019|Auto Accidents, Safe Driving Tips|

It’s Summer. Drink Water! Here’s a riddle for you.  What rhymes with safe driving?  Hydration! OK, not really, but it should.  Because summer is not just the season for vacations, barbeques, and showing off your funky tattoos.  It is also the season for car accidents.  There are more car accidents in summer than any other [...]