COVID-19 August Update in ColoradoThe Coronavirus landscape continues to present daily changes and challenges.  Here is the five-second version of Colorado rules and guidelines, current as of August 4, 2020:

  • Wear a face covering (nose and mouth) in public spaces.
  • Stay at home as much as possible.
  • Connect with friends and family virtually.
  • Be diligent about hand washing.
  • Avoid touching your face.

Got more than five seconds?  You can read all about Colorado’s three-tier response to the pandemic here.

The three tiers, in brief, are:

Level 1: Stay at Home

Everyone stays home except for essential work and activities.

Level 2: Safer at Home and in the Vast, Great Outdoors

Critical businesses are open and limited non-critical businesses operate with strict precautions in place.

Level 3: Protect our Neighbors

Local public health agencies can contain surges through testing, contact tracing, quarantine, and selected site closures.  Those who are at higher risk still need strong protections.

At What Level is Colorado?

Statewide, we are at Level 2.  Although some localities have applied for, and received, Level 3 status, many of those localities may soon have to go back to Level 2 due to a rise in cases.  When schools reopen, they will use various combinations of cohorts (keeping the same group of kids together all day) remote learning, and class size restrictions with masks.  Many schools will be remote-learning only.

This situation is hard on all of us, and it is getting old. If you feel stressed, you are not alone.  Don’t take it out on others, especially behind the wheel.  The pandemic is caused by a virus, not that guy who cut you off on I-25.

We’re Here For You

And remember, at Shafner Law, we are still here for you!  We can meet by Zoom, phone, or in person with masks and social distancing.  If you are a mega legal nerd with lots of time on your hands, we can even provide you with engrossing reading material, like Governor Polis’s entire executive order, “Safer at Home and in the Vast, Great Outdoors,” here.

But we realize you are probably not a mega legal nerd.  That’s OK, nobody’s perfect.  Perfect isn’t so great anyway, really.  Let’s aim for good– good enough to wear our masks, beat this virus, and get our imperfect but beautiful lives back.

Take care, good people.

Article by Molly Fuscher

If you need a Denver Personal Injury Attorney, contact Shafner Law for a free consultation.