We all know that drinking and driving leads to catastrophic injuries, so we designate a driver to make sure we arrive home safely. Have you ever thought about designating a texter while you drive?
Texting while driving is a dangerous distracted driving activity that you can delegate to one of your passengers. Let them communicate that you are running late or need last minute directions when you’ve taken a wrong turn and gotten lost. It can help ensure that you arrive unharmed instead of ending up in a distracted driving accident.
If you are alone in the car, consider using one of these popular apps so that you aren’t tempted to text and drive:
- Drive Beehive is the official app of PADD. The app allows you to connect with sponsors, such as friends, schools, or businesses to set rewards for safe miles driven.
- Drive Alive tracks your safe driving hours and enters you to win prizes as rewards for your safe driving behaviors.
- AT&T Drive Mode blocks texts message and phone calls while you are driving.
- Wonder lets other parties using the app know that you are driving and they should wait to text or call you.
At Shafner Law, our experienced auto accident attorneys are dedicated to seeking justice for the victims of distracted driving accidents in Colorado. Call us today at (303) 796-0555 for your free consultation. We represent clients throughout Denver and the entire state of Colorado.