5 to Drive Safety Tips for Teen Driver SafetyOctober 18-24 is National Teen Driver Safety week. This year the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration is highlighting the 5 biggest dangers that teenagers face as new drivers: texting, speeding, driving while impaired, being distracted by passengers, and failure to use seatbelts.

Leading Cause of Death in Teens

Motor vehicle accidents are the leading cause of death for teens aged 15-19 in the United States. More than 2,500 teens are killed each year in car accidents and over 130,000 suffer injuries.

During Teen Driver Safety Week, parents, teachers, and peers are encouraged to take the time to discuss safety issues facing teens on the roadways. The 5 to Drive campaign consists of five easy to remember steps to keep teens safer.

5 to Drive

  1. Don’t drink and drive.
  2. Always buckle up.
  3. Never text or use social media while driving.
  4. Refrain from excessive speeds.
  5. Only one passenger allowed for teen drivers.

At Shafner Law, our attorneys are dedicated to helping the victims of car accidents seek the justice they deserve. Call our experienced personal injury lawyers today at (303) 796-0555 for your free consultation if you or your loved one has been seriously injured. We serve clients throughout Denver and the entire state of Colorado.